Friday, April 4, 2014

D is for Day Soldiers by Brandon Hale

A legion of vampires and werewolves has declared war on the human race. 

For ten years now, humanity has been at war with the creatures of darkness. The war has changed the world. The day now belongs to humanity and the night belongs to things once thought to exist only in myths and legends... but there is hope. This new enemy has united humanity and an army has stepped forward to protect the light from the darkness. An army of heroes. 

The Day Soldiers.

Eighteen year old Lily Baxter always knew the Day Soldiers would be a major part of her life. She had been preparing for it since she was eight. She was ready to go to war. The one thing she wasn't prepared for was the day the war came to her.

My Review:
Day Soldiers not only was a great read, but it also looks like the beginning of an awesome series.  In this novel we are introduced to Lily and her best friend Leo.  We then follow them on their journey from normal citizens to Day Soldiers. 
I really like the way the author decided to introduce the supernatural into a present day earth.  That paired with the different twists and turns in the novel, as well as the characters really kept me reading.  I wanted to see what Hale would have happen next. Yes, I've read enough to guess as to what things might happen, but the author threw in a few parts I wasn't expecting.  He also wrote the story well enough and made the characters entertaining enough for me not to care when something I thought was going to happen actually did.
The ending is definitely a lead in to the next book, however it isn't a sharp cliffy.  There are a lot of series I plan on getting the next book in as soon as I'm done the A to Z challenge and this is one of them. If you interested in checking this one out, it too is currently free on Amazon!

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